Nicola Batchelor

Kid's Summer Challenge

We're taking on the Kid's Summer Challenge for Young Lives vs Cancer.

Want to join us in supporting a good cause? We're taking on the Kid's Summer Challenge for Young Lives vs Cancer and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate £5 or £500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.

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Day 31 🎉

Saturday 31st Aug

Mile 31 🎉

Saturday 31st Aug
Please share. They’ve done it! They’ve ran 31 miles in August for Young Lives vs Cancer. 

They are heroes! 💙💙💙💖

Today we went for bright clothing to celebrate our last mile. 

Caleb said, “Our fundraising target was £150. We got to £850! I’d say it’s been a success!” 😍

Oliver said, “I’m very proud of our family because we’ve done a good thing for other people.” 🥰

Eli said, “It’s been really hard running a mile every day. I got really sweaty and tired. £850 is a lot and I hope it helps some children.” 😍

Verity said, “Running a mile is really hard at this age. I’m only 6! I haven’t enjoyed it one bit but I’m glad it will help the young lives who have cancer.” 🥰

I’m so incredibly proud of them. Giving their time to help others during their summer holiday is a selfless, wonderful thing to have done. They have worked so hard and are just beautiful. 

We’ve had plenty of laughs, tears and maybe there has been a touch of grumpiness from all of us at times too. We’ve been stung by nettles, chased by dogs and sank in sand. We’ve ran on our family holiday and even lost my precious daffodil brooch 💙🌼. Lots of ups and downs, but raising the money for these young lives has been worth it. Helping others is always worth it.  

Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared posts too. Your generosity will make a difference. 💛💕

Please donate. Let’s raise as much as we can for the children and young people facing the turmoil of cancer today. 💛💕

Now time to celebrate! 🎉🥳🍾🎊🙌🏻💛

Mile 30

Saturday 31st Aug

Mile 30

Saturday 31st Aug
Don’t scroll faster than Lewis Hamilton driving his Mercedes! 

Without you, the charity Young Lives vs Cancer, can't give children and young people with cancer the vital support they need to thrive. 
The difference your donations make is significant. 

When a child is diagnosed with cancer,  life becomes full of fear for them and their family. Fear of treatment, but also of families being torn apart, overwhelming money worries, or of having nowhere to turn and no one to talk to.

This charity helps with financial costs, providing ‘home from homes’ during treatment to keep families together, trained social workers and bereavement care. 

Just £5 could pay for a set of toiletries, washing powder, cleaning products and food. Creature comforts that give a sense of normality.

Thank you for your donations, your likes, your comments of support, your shares and your kindness. 

Today, on mile 30/31 we went out silly. We had a fun run on the request of one of our donators! 

I think the kids were more embarrassed than me! 🤣

1 mile to go! 1 day to go! 🎉

Can you make a difference? 🙏🏼💛

Mile 29

Saturday 31st Aug

Mile 29

Saturday 31st Aug
We are feeling quite emotional today. We’ve only 2 miles left to complete our challenge, today’s mile and tomorrow’s! 

We are well on the way to £800! 

To put that into perspective, £60 pays for a family to stay in a self catering ‘home from home’ close to where the child or young person is being treated.  This helps keeps families together when their world has being turned upside down. 

£800 would pay for 13 nights of accommodation! Your donations are making a real difference to the children and young people who have been diagnosed with cancer. 

As a parent, having my child so poorly would be the worst thing imaginable but 84 children a week are diagnosed with cancer in the UK. Can you help these families today? 

Running 1 mile every day has been challenging for all of us. The teenagers have often been grumpy about going out 🙈and the little ones have found the running hard. 

For me, it’s been very time consuming and I’m always conscious of the fact that the posts are annoying. 🙄There have been times when fitting in our mile has been hard but finding time to keep posting has been very difficult. I can barely walk in the mornings because I’ve hurt both my achilles at some point too. 😵‍💫

Please keep the donations coming in. 🙏🏼

Here are the photos from mile 29. The kids have done tremendously. 

Has anyone any words of encouragement for the kids as we enter our last two days? They really love seeing the total go up and reading your comments. 

Generosity is a virtue. 💛

Mile 28

Saturday 31st Aug

Mile 28

Saturday 31st Aug
I’ve done quite a bit of fundraising during the last ten years. 

£9,946 so far raised for charity. 

I would love for this total to be over £10,000. 

I know a few people on here who have done fundraising events before. If you’ve never done a fundraising event on social media, I want to tell you something:

It’s really difficult! 

People literally ignore every post you pour your heart and soul into. They blank you! They scroll past charity posts faster than Lewis Hamilton in his Mercedes! 

It leaves the fundraiser feeling deflated, defeated and demoralised. What’s the point? 

It’s funny how charity/generosity are considered virtues yet hardly anyone wants to be involved. Sharing a post, can help too. 

They’ll be no judgement from me if your donation is small. Someone recently donated £3! 

£1 or £2 could make a massive difference to these young lives facing cancer. 

Sharing a post can make a difference too. 

Even liking a post or commenting on a post helps the post be seen by a larger audience.  🙏🏼

Thank you for your help in sharing and donating. 💛💕

Here’s our mile 28 photos. The kids have worked so hard for this. They have ran 28 miles during August. Me too! My Achilles tendons are killing! 

Just 3 days left. Looking forward to this being done now! So close. 🎉💛

Mile 27

Saturday 31st Aug

Mile 27

Saturday 31st Aug
Every day 12 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer. Yet not one of them has the same experience. All young cancer patients have different needs, opportunities and backgrounds and for some, the systems in place and gaps in support mean that their experiences are much more challenging than others.  

Far too many children and young people with cancer are experiencing inequality as soon as they are diagnosed due to a ‘one size fits all’ approach throughout much of the system. That’s why the support they receive must look beyond their diagnosis. It should provide them with what they need, so that they can go on to thrive no matter what. 

That’s why the charity Young Lives vs Cancer exists. 

Mile 27. Our youngest son was very poorly last night. We’ve only just completed our mile because he was ill.  He took it very easy today but still did it. He’s a little star. 

We’ve only got £39 to reach £700. 

That’s nearly enough for 140 toiletry/home comfort sets. 

£5 could pay for sets of toiletries, cleaning products or food. They might seem like small items, but to children and young people with cancer, and their parents, they mean fresh pyjamas that smeil like home after a long day in hospital, a home-
cooked meal instead of fast food...creature comforts that give a sense of normality.

Thank you for donating £5 for the young lives facing cancer today. 

4 miles left! 🎉💛

Crazy photos today because little miss was in charge of most of the photography! 💖

Day 26

Saturday 31st Aug

Mile 25 and 26

Saturday 31st Aug
Please don’t scroll! Miles 25 and 26. 

The kids are working so hard. 🥰

I had to drag one of the teenage boys out of bed to complete his mile with us today. It’s not been easy.  Do you ever regret committing to something but still having to do it? Poor thing! 🙈

Here’s the photos for the last two days. 

Our youngest son was telling me he’d ran a marathon today whilst running! 
(Today is the 26th.  26 miles) 

How incredible is that! 

Plus, we only have £54 to get the total to £700 for these kids. 

£13 could pay for half-an-hour of support, including bereavement support from a specialist Young Lives vs Cancer Social Worker.

We’ve raised enough for nearly 50 sessions of support! 

Please consider donating £13 today. 🙏🏼

On behalf of the young lives facing cancer today, thank you for donating . 💛

5 days left! 🎉🎉

Day 23 and 24

Saturday 24th Aug

Miles 23 and 24

Saturday 24th Aug
Miles 23 and 24. Consider donating £5.🙏🏼

Another two miles ran. My little champions are making me proud because the running is hard for them. Our teenage boys are making me proud dedicating their time to this cause too. Imagine trying to get a teenager doing something every day!😂

We’ve all been a little bit upset about the missing daffodil brooch. We had a talk about that no matter what you’re going through, you should still try to keep helping others. Always think of others before yourselves. 

The kids understood fully why it was important to keep going, to keep trying to reach you here on Facebook and to keep running every day to raise as much as we can despite what else we’ve got going on personally. 

Our little ones have been eagerly putting their 1 mile stickers on their charts. They are so chuffed that they only have 7 days left of running 1 mile every day. 


But that’s only 7 days left to try to convince you to donate to Young Lives vs Cancer.  I’m not sure what else to do except tell you how important your donations are to children and young people facing cancer. 

Why not consider donating just £5? 🙏🏼

£5 could pay for sets of toiletries, cleaning products or food. They might seem like small items, but to children and young people with cancer, and their parents, they mean fresh pyjamas that smeil like home after a long day in hospital, a home cooked meal instead of fast food...creature comforts that give a sense of normality.

I’ve put the total up to £700 on the advice of our littlest one! 💖

Let’s raise as much as we can in the next 7 days for this charity. 

7 miles left! Let’s do this! 🙏🏼💛🥰

Donate and share.

Day 22

Saturday 24th Aug

Mile 22

Saturday 24th Aug
Mile 22. Young lives vs Cancer. 

The littlest member of our group found yesterday’s mile very hard again. She must have been tired after two consecutive 3 mile runs! 

It wasn’t very enjoyable at all. 

Plus, I lost my daffodil brooch on the run somewhere! 

My daffodil brooch has been worn every day since losing our son Noah. I’ve worn it every day for 9 and half years in his memory. If anyone finds it please let me know. It’s extremely sentimental. 

We have 9 miles left. We’ve raised £580 for young lives vs cancer. Can you donate to this charity? Even a small donation of £1 or £2 will make some difference. 

Please share to raise even more donations and hopefully find my brooch. I’m devastated. 💙🌼 

(We ran along the flood defence on the Fazeley Road up to the crossing at KFC and back again towards Fazeley. Keep an eye out. 🌼)

Miles 19, 20 and 21

Wednesday 21st Aug

Mile 19, 20 and 21

Wednesday 21st Aug
Miles 19, 20 and 21.  Young Lives vs Cancer.  💛

They did it again! Another 3 mile (5k) run tonight. They are incredible! 🥰

Our children have raised a whopping £550 for this charity and other children so far during their summer holiday and even on our family holiday away. They’re giving their time and energy for a good cause.  They really want to help other children less fortunate than themselves which is something we strive to instil into them. We are trying to bring them up to have amazing morality and have good values. They are bringing hope and light to others. They want to make others happy. 🙏🏼

“Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is … life is good when you are happy, but much better when others are happy because of you.”

Pope Francis

Please sponsor us £13.
£13 could pay for half an hour of a specialist bereavement support from a Young Lives vs Cancer Social Workers. 💛

Every donation counts. Thank you. 🙏🏼 💛

Mile 16, 17 and 18.

Wednesday 21st Aug

Mile 16, 17 and 18

Wednesday 21st Aug
Miles 16, 17 and 18. 

We have four miles to make up as for the last 4 days Verity and I haven’t  been feeling too well with breathing/ asthma problems. 

We challenged the kids to make up their miles over the next two days! That means 3 miles today and 3 tomorrow! 

We weren’t sure how it would go as the little ones have found one mile hard enough. 

I’m so proud of them all. Elias ran all the way and even insisted on running a little bit extra so that it ended up being 3.12 miles so that it was a 5k run! He was super chuffed with himself. He ran it in 35 minutes and 47 seconds!! What an amazing achievement! He can’t wait to tell his headteacher when he goes back to school. 

We ran past a running group who all encouraged him and told him how brilliant he was too! 🥰💙

Verity completed it a little after and had to stop a couple of times to take her inhaler but still completed it! 

The teenage boys sped off and completed it in under 29 minutes! 🤩

Same again tomorrow kids for miles 19, 20 and 21! 

Please sponsor them in order to raise money for this amazing charity for children facing cancer. 

Please sponsor us £13. 
£13 could pay for half an hour of a specialist bereavement support from a Young Lives vs Cancer Social Workers.

Day 15

Thursday 15th Aug

Days 12 13 14 and 15

Thursday 15th Aug
Days 12, 13, 14 and 15. Young Lives vs Cancer. 

We are midway through the Kid's Summer Challenge and WOW, what a challenge it has been so far. Running our mile a day whilst on holiday has taken us twice as long on the sand but it’s been twice as beautiful! 

Our children have done an incredible job so far, and we want to share with you today the impact they are having. Each mile they cover helps children just like Esha and every single donation can make a difference.

Esha’s parents took her to the GP when she started to feel lethargic and they noticed her toilet habits had changed. 

Esha’s dad, Rish, goes on to say:

“The GP suggested Esha has a blood test so we had that scheduled and we took her to the local hospital – Queens in Romford – and we were told we would have results back in a couple of weeks. We got home and an hour later I had a call from the hospital saying ‘you need to bring her back immediately’, which is where we learnt she had some form of leukaemia.

There is no real way to explain that sinking feeling when you get told your four year old daughter’s got cancer. I just refused that something like that could happen and just dismissed it. Deep down you never really think it would happen to you until it does happen – you don’t really expect it to happen to you.
“We didn’t want to risk going on the underground, it’s probably one of the worst places to be in terms of infection so we were able to secure accommodation at Paul's house which was a life saver for us. 

“I think it’s hard to quantify but unless you experience cancer first-hand I think it’s hard to explain how hard it can be mentally, physically, emotionally, financially – there are so many things to deal with and it’s just so easy to break and it’s obviously much harder when it’s your child.

"The volume of information that gets thrown at you, it’s overwhelming – to be able to process that and make decisions is hard in itself and I think having a Young Lives vs Cancer social worker providing that help to sort out some of the non-medical help, it was almost like having somebody there to sort it out for you.”

We will keep running for children like Esha, even on holiday. Please donate. 🙏🏼 This charity is vitally important. Please support the kid's in their challenge and fundraising.

Every donation counts. 🙏🏼💛

Please share and donate 💙💙💙💖

Day 11

Sunday 11th Aug

Days 8, 9,10 and 11

Sunday 11th Aug
Days 8,9,10 and 11. Young Lives vs Cancer. 

We’ve had a couple of evening runs during the last few days. The kids have all been amazing and are still all running 1 mile a day. 👏🏻 Running any distance every day is both tough physically and mentally. 

On day 9 we still ran even though it was our wedding anniversary and we were out for the day celebrating. 

And it’s been really hot the last few days. The kids have done so well! 🥵

Team Fundraising Update:
So far, the whole team at Young Lives vs Cancer, doing this mile a day challenge, have raised an amazing £130,661.47!

Your donations matter.

Yesterday, we had this email from the YLVC team. 

When the doctor says 'cancer', your world changes and your foundations are shaken. There's a new normal, which can be overwhelming. 

 “It came as a real shock to me. I was in denial at first. But my attitude was ‘I’ve got this problem, what do I do next?”
Jason, who was supported by Young Lives vs Cancer throughout his cancer journey.

 By joining this family of supporters and donating, you’re helping Young Lives Vs Cancer to answer the impossible questions, solve the impossible problems and advocate for a possible future where no young cancer patient faces their diagnosis alone.
 Thank you so much! 

Please donate for the children and their families who are facing a cancer diagnosis today. 🙏🏼💛

Mile 7

Wednesday 7th Aug

Day 7

Wednesday 7th Aug
Day 7 mile 7 Young Lives vs Cancer. 

Today the little milers stole my phone and took selfies whilst I was trying to redo my hair and running at the same time. Monkeys! 😵‍💫

Just £50 needed to get to £600! 

Thank you everyone for your kindness and generosity. The Young Lives vs Cancer charity really appreciate your donations. 🙏🏼💛

Our kids and teenagers are dedicating their time to running 1 mile a day for all of August. This is not easy! 

Can you spare a couple of pounds? £ 💛

Mile 6

Tuesday 6th Aug

Day 6

Tuesday 6th Aug
Day 6 Mile 6 Young Lives vs Cancer 💛

Caleb said, “Doing this challenge is important because this raises awareness for the children and young people that have cancer and it’s raising money for the charity that is helping these children and young people. I hate cancer!”

Elias said, “We are raising money for young lives, ages 0-25 and that money will help these children. It’s been difficult running a mile every day but I want to help others.” 

Verity said, “I don’t like running a mile every day because it’s really hard and stressful. I am trying to make lives easier for people who have cancer.”

Oliver said, “This challenge is important for raising awareness and money for children in need with cancer. It’s been fulfilling helping these children. I’m happy we’ve raised over £500!”

Do you have any words of support for our amazing kids? 

Please show your support. Like, comment, share or donate. Every penny raised will help. 

It was a great mile run today. Thank you for your support. 💛

Mile 5

Monday 5th Aug

Day 5

Monday 5th Aug
Day 5 Mile 5 Young Lives vs Cancer. 💛

Today’s mile was dramatic. 

Verity cried for the whole time! Her leg hurt, then her throat hurt although in reality I don’t think this was the case. But it was lovely that all 3 of her brothers came to her rescue to comfort her and keep her running and powering through. 🥰 💪🏻 🏃‍♀️ 

It was also super hot! 🥵 

When a child is diagnosed with cancer it threatens everything, for them and their family.
At a time when they should be busy being children, enjoying their rollercoaster teenage years or finding their feet at uni, life becomes full of fear. Fear of treatment, but also of families being torn apart, of overwhelming money worries, mental health stretched to breaking point, of having nowhere to turn and no one to talk to.

Young Lives vs Cancer are the charity that helps children and young people (0-25) and their families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them.

They know everyone's different, so they work hard to make sure each family has what they need to get through cancer. 
It could be a financial grant for a parent struggling to keep their child warm through their treatment or for a young person who can't afford to get to hospital. Or helping a family stay together at one of our free Homes from Home close to the hospital where their child is having treatment. 

If they think families aren't being heard by the whole system, they’re  not afraid to raise their voices or shout on their behalf. Children and young people with cancer deserve the same opportunities as anyone else. Young Lives vs  Cancer always have their back. 

Powered by the kindness of your donations, they face it all together.

Please share and donate for the young lives affected by Cancer today.


Well done to our kids today. We got there! 
26 miles to go! 💛

Mile 4

Sunday 4th Aug

Day 4

Sunday 4th Aug
Day 4 Mile 4. Young Lives vs Cancer. 

27 miles to go! 

Our little milers were amazing today. Eli even kept running with nasty stings on his arm. Little Trojan! 

“We need to raise money for the children,” he said! 🥰

Around 10 children or young people are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK. 

When a child or young person is diagnosed with cancer it threatens everything, for them and their family.

Young Lives vs Cancer are the charity that helps children and young people (0-25) and their families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them.

Our little ones and teenagers are giving their time to help those in need. 

Thank you for your generosity 💛

Even a small donation of £1 or £2 will make a difference. Keep sharing and donating. Thank you.

Mile 3

Saturday 3rd Aug

Day 3

Saturday 3rd Aug
Day 3 Mile 3. Young Lives vs Cancer. 

Matt joined us as well today. 

We ran our mile along the canal. Eli had a bit of a strop about being outvoted on where to run. 😅 The reality of doing this every day is kicking in for the kids. 🙈It was quite eventful! 

However, I’m really proud that the kids are dedicated and are giving their time in order to help other children less fortunate than themselves. Little stars! 🥰

The difference your donations are going to make to a family facing cancer is indescribable. Just £60 could pay for a family to stay in a Home from Home. These homes provide free self-catering accommodation close to treatment, which is often many miles from the family’s own home.

Keep sharing and keep donating. 


28 miles to go! Let’s do this! 💛

Day 2 Mile 2

Friday 2nd Aug
Day 2, mile 2. Young Lives Vs Cancer. 

No tears today! 

💛Your donations can make a massive difference to families facing cancer.

£23 could pay for a Young Lives vs Cancer big bag, given to families, which contains essential for a hospital stay.

£60 could pay for a family to stay together at one of our Homes from Home for one night.

£100 could pay towards a financial grant to ensure families facing money worries can pay for petrol to get their child to cancer treatment.

£182 could pay for a Young Lives vs Cancer social work for an entire day.

Your help today makes all of this a possibility so we can't thank you enough.

Well done kids! I’m really proud of you. 💛

29 miles to go!  

Thank you for supporting this charity 💛

Day 2

Friday 2nd Aug

Day 1

Thursday 1st Aug

1st Mile

Thursday 1st Aug
Let’s do this for Young Lives vs Cancer! 

Our first mile completed and we all ran it! The little ones loved putting their stickers on their charts to mark off their first mile. 

We are only £3 off our £150 target now as well. Thank you to all those who have donated so far and tor helping us help those children in need and their families. 

You are making a real difference. 💛

I'm so proud of our children. They really want to help other children and that spurred them on with their running today. 30 miles to go! 💛

Thank you to my Sponsors



Brilliant effort… well done!


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with Caleb , Oliver , Elias and Verity