Jennie Byrne

Walk 80 Miles - September 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 80 mi

I'm taking on the Walk 80 Miles Challenge for Young Lives vs Cancer.

In July, Abbey was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins lymphoma of the conjunctiva (in the eye). As you can imagine, this came as a shock due to her being so young (22) - making it rare to find this type of cancer in this location. With the support of Young Lives vs Cancer, Abbey has been provided with several resources and support to make her cancer journey less stressful and as smooth as possible. To show our gratitude, we thought it would be appropriate to fundraise to help other young adults like Abbey to gain the help they may need during their journey. 

This Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, I'm taking on the Walk 80 Miles Challenge for Young Lives vs Cancer. I will be walking 80 miles in September to support children and young people with cancer. Join me in supporting a good cause, your contribution will make a big impact, whether you donate £5 or £500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.

  • £26 could pay for an hour of support from a Young Lives vs Cancer social worker, so that children and young people with cancer, and their families, get the right care and support at the right time
  • £60 could pay for a night in a Young Lives vs Cancer Homes from Home, a free place for families to stay close to specialist hospitals when their child is going through treatment, keeping families together
Why Walk 80 Miles?
Young cancer patients face an 80 mile round trip, on average, to get treatment.  Not only is this physically and emotionally exhausting, it comes it a huge financial cost too. It costs £255 a month when treatment is at its most intense.  

Young Lives vs Cancer help families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them. But every day 12 more children and young people hear the devastating news they have cancer. Make a donation and show your support today. 

My Achievements

Self Donated

Updated Profile Pic

Shared page

First Donation Received

Received 10 donations

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached Fundraising Target

Reached 50% of distance

Reached Distance Goal

Facebook fundraiser

My Updates

World Lymphoma Awareness Day

Sunday 15th Sep
On this World Lymphoma Awareness Day we’ve walked 63 miles so far!! 17 more to go to reach the target - how many more will we be able to do in September? x

Graduation Day!

Wednesday 11th Sep
Managed a quick 2 miles walk this morning - we’ve had a busy day….. proud parent emotions seeing this amazing young lady, who was diagnosed with lymphoma only 2 months ago, walk across the stage 🥺 she’s my inspiration throughout these 80 miles x

New total - 49.5 miles

Monday 9th Sep
Another 4 miles logged yesterday and 5 today - so we’re up to 49.5 miles (ignore the total at the top of the page it’s included my practice walks too 🙄)

New walking buddy 😊

Monday 9th Sep
Today I had a new walking buddy with me, an amazing little lady called Ada 😊 we usually walk to the beach each week but we’ve both had a busy summer so it was lovely to start again - and we had the weather for it too!!

HALF WAY THERE!! 🎉🚶‍♀️‍➡️🎉

Saturday 7th Sep
The weather has stopped us walking too far over the last few days but we’ve managed to dodge the rain and add another 7.5 miles. Our total currently stands at 40 miles!!!

Longest walk of the week so far!!

Wednesday 4th Sep
We decided to walk to Emsworth today, it’s something we’ve been thinking about doing for a while. We had a spot of lunch when we arrived, then walked back to Stansted house to have cake and a drink. We clocked up 11.8 miles - 31.3 miles so far - not bad for 4 days of walking 😊

Another 3.5 miles completed!!

Tuesday 3rd Sep
19.5 miles completed so far 😊

Another 8 miles!!

Monday 2nd Sep
We had intended to do a long walk today but the rain stopped play!! We managed to complete 8 miles over 3 walks whilst dodging the rain 😊

First walk done 😊

Sunday 1st Sep
Not going to lie but I had a bit of a wobble today when we set off - the miles are easy, it just reminded me of why I signed up for this challenge in the first place. It’s not something you expect to hear as a parent that your child has cancer. We finished our first walk, 5.5 miles, in the forest today - it was very hot!! Evening walk completed - another 2.5 miles!! 8 miles for the first day 🥰 Not a bad start to this challenge!

“We’re on this path together Abs”

Tuesday 27th Aug
Today’s 3 mile practice walk took us over the farmers fields in the glorious sunshine. The path was long, narrow and uneven, but we were on this path together 🥰

Birthday celebrations

Saturday 24th Aug
One of Abbeys hobbies is making cakes - she made me a jellycat cake for my birthday 🥰

Forest walks with Daisy

Sunday 18th Aug
It’s been a while since we’ve walked Daisy in the forest but she absolutely loved the smells and exploring each and every trail - even the ones we weren’t going down!! Luckily we didn’t see any deer or squirrels today 😊

Love our walks 🥰

Saturday 17th Aug
Completed our first practice walk - seeing how long it would take to complete 3 miles as we’ll be doing it after work during the week. Love the wildlife we see when we’re walking.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michelle Pople

Well done Jennie, get those trainers ready!!!


Terrie Jones

Best of luck with the walk, hugs to everyone and take care xxx


Rita And Carol

Good luck Jen! We’re sure that you’ll smash it! Love to you all xxx


Lorraine Murphy

Good luck hope your training goes well 🤞🏻😊


Auntie Pam


Ann And Andy

Good luck to everyone. Amazing job. Half way to your target already!


Amanda Usher


Ada Drew

Best of luck with the 80 miles Auntie Jennie! It's all for a brilliant cause! Love to the whole family from Ada X X X


Kerrie Pople

Good luck!


Matthew & Marade

Hope this help in a small way, All our love , Matthew and marade x


Jon Ford

Go for it Jennie, you got this Hope Abbey recovers from this horrible C !!! Always here for you guys The Ford Clan xx


Gary & Karen

Good luck Jen, we know you'll smash it xx


Louise Gammon

Love you all loads, good luck!


Charity Pople

Good luck Jennie! Sending our love and thoughts to you all xxxx


Jake Boulton




Tricia Byrne

You are amazing xx




Thomas Wilson


Jane Rowland

Sending you all my love and support 🥰


Nikki Jones

Sending lots of love. You will smash this xx


Alexandra Knight

love you abbey!! <3


Anita Elliott

Sending biggest love and hugs xx






Katie Byrne

Sending all my love Ab






Katie Simmons

Good luck , Abbey is so lovely to work with .xxx


Rebecca A

Always here for you Abs! Well done Jennie!


Jasmine Reeves


Abbey Byrne


Sam Walker


Athene Ryan


Sarah Hopkins

Great cause, well done Jennie. X