sharon Campbell's fundraiser

Support my World Cancer Day Dip

Support my World Cancer Day Dip

I'm taking on a Cold Water Dip Challenge for Young Lives vs Cancer this World Cancer Day. Join me in supporting a good cause and your contribution will make a big impact to children and young people with cancer. Whether you donate £5 or £500, every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.

Children and young people with cancer are facing a hard winter. Instead of making precious memories with their family, treatment means that they’re facing weeks spent many miles from home.

But cancer doesn’t have to mean families are torn apart. That special moments are lost. You can keep families together this winter.

£23 could pay for an hour of support from a Young Lives vs Cancer social worker, so that children and young people with cancer, and their families, get the right care and support at the right time

£60 could pay for a night in a Young Lives vs Cancer Homes from Home, a free place for families to stay close to specialist hospitals when their child is going through treatment, keeping families together

My Achievements

First Donation

Shared Page

Reached Fundraising Target

Uploaded Profile Picture

50% of Fundraising Target

10 Donations

Self Donate

Facebook fundraiser

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kerry Dorans

Good luck!


Gill Duggan

Amazing! Well done you! Hope there is lots raised for such a good cause, lots of love The Duggans xxxx


Rosie Gharra

Amazing! Good luck from Rosie and Timmy xxx


Maureen & Alex



Great cause, good luck!


Michelle Mcconnell

Good luck ladies, such a good cause 💗



Hi Sharon Gr8 that you and others are doing this. I had a brother, Kenneth whom I never knew who at the age of 8 died of cancer. It devastated my mum for the rest of her life. Great stuff happy to donate.


Caroline Mclaughlin

Good luck Sharon and all the girls xxx


Michelle Turnbull

Well done 👏🏻


Karen Murray

Good Luck! X


Doreen Wilson


Jen Macdonald


Taylor Ross


Emma Watson

Well done Sharon & team x



Well done ladies….so proud 🫶🏻 xx


Helen Devine

Good luck Sharon and team you will smash it ! Xx


Mags Mccaul

Well done Sharon Mx


Lisa Hunter

Ho Sharon!


Elaine Robertson

Good luck Sharon


Claire Mckindless

Well done a fantastic cause


Jo Anne Mccormack

Good luck!! Xx


Jackie Mitchell

Great job. Well done x


Babs Gemmell

go sharon! xx


Joanne Boyd

Well done Sharon